Re: What determines GVW?
CGVW includes the trailer... but that wasn't done back then.
Your GVW indicates you can haul well over a ton in your truck if it is distributed properly.
There's a few answers to your question... the legal one, wouyld be nothing. You could put one ton frame/tires/springs etc under your truck, but legally, as long as your GVW plate reads 7500, then that is all you are able to haul.
Now, for a technical answer, the gearing, springs and tires covers most of the GVW requirements for thes rigs for back in the day. Modern standards would include brakes moreso than anything.
While not asked, it is on the same topic, GM figured the GCW, Gross Combined Weight (same as CGVW) by the Designation of the truck (C/10, C/20 etc) the engine size, and the rear gearing. On your truck, being a big block and 3.54 gearing, you are good for a combined weight, that's everything in, on, and towed by your truck, of just over 10,000 pounds.