Hi All,
Its been a while since I’ve been on the board. I got a question for you Mod kings.
I’m thinking if replacing the front clip of my 87 GMC with an 88 clip. Parts seem to be getting hard for fine for this model, it always 88 and up in the truck mags. I’ve never seen this nor attempted it yet, but just what parts are replaced? Hood, fenders( inner ), grill and clip for the head lights, what else?
I had an online conversation with BigArms awhile back, but forgot most of it. I just remember he did it to he’s 87. I’m sure there was a significant change from the GM factory from 87 to 88, just trying to cover all bases. I’m pretty sure it can be done.
Any other thoughts or comments would be greatly appreciated. Oh one last thing, how much would one expect to pay for all the clip parts at a junkyard? (How much did you pay?)
Plan your work and work your plan!!!, or pitty da fool!!

87 GMC BaseTrim, 305 under the wrench/TH400/
92 Chevy 1500, 350,TH700R4 sittin on dubs