Thread: Help!!
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Old 10-23-2002, 09:46 PM   #9
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Location: Monroe, Louisiana
Posts: 6
Originally posted by Zkast
If the valve adjustment is too tight, it will directly affect vacuum.

If you have ruled out every possible vacuum leak (intake gaskets, tbi gasket, booster) then your headed into mechanical problems.
Unless the valves have been adjusted recently, I doubt your problem is there, still need to check though.

When he has the vacuum gauge on a large source, does the needle bounce rapidly or is it steady at 10"?

If the needle is bouncing, you could have broken/weak valve spring(s) or even a camshaft/lifter going flat.
Thanks zkast, I passed this along to him. He's going to check into this, as the needle was bouncing rapidly. As soon as I hear from him, I'll holler back at you. Thanks again!

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