I think thats a doable swap, the 4x4 & longhorn frames are different than the other 2wd frames(straight rails). I havent tryed the swap, but from pics that have been posted, it looks to me that the 2wd leaf trucks have the same crossmember,&" bowed" out frames(where the coils would sit) that the coil trucks have. It should just be a matter of bolting the parts on. With that said, I do agree with MikeC on exhaust placement on the leaf spring trucks......my longhorn is a straight shot on ex, muffs can be placed pretty much anywhere! i have thought about getting rid of the leafs on the longhorn, but I have thoughts on a custom 2 link set up (long bars on the outside of the rails) ,with the front spring mounts slid ahead & AIR BAGS ! good luck.....crazy AL