im trying to snatch off whatever parts i can that are major enough cool enough part to stash,. since im so far addicted to this i might as well try and save all i can and hope i can get away with it. this isnt really a battle, but whatever its considered im not gonna win it in the long run and ive been fighting it for quite a while now, im hoping that with new national chains stores contracts the plant has been signing that we wont have so much layoff time like we have been, our local unemployment level just hit 10 year record level, thanks to LDC closing here in town thansk to state of the state and Gov Ryan(to be polite: a moron, *cough*)
and i am trying to get into some school, gonna have to start out smaller than id like to with a little welder course and work my way up, ill deal with that after this city zoning crap is quiet hopefully soon.... trying to survive any way i can in positive way.
Last edited by Fast68Chevy; 10-24-2002 at 08:51 PM.