what a load of bull.. you should have answered the door with a shotgun to his face.
ok so maybe thats over-doing it.. but I would be pissed to no end if some jack@ss govt offical came onto my land telling me what I could and could not do with my own GD property.
if your neighbors dont like your yard they need to put up a GD fence.. do something about it themselves..not call on the Fing government to do everything for them.. thats a sign of lazyness.. when you dislike something and you're too lazy to do anything about it.
how about you get a big tarp and cover it all up? lol if I lived in your state the way my back yard looks the govt would just probablly drop down from the helicoptors and kill me for not having a nice clean cut no parts yard. I have 2 beds side by side, 1 total crap, 1 thats being sold mid next month, 2 hoods.. god.. I can see where you're coming from.. maybe thats why I'm so uptight about this BS.
I'd petition my congressman to change that bullsh!t I would never have some govt SOB coming on my land telling me what it should look like.. if they want it to be so perfect they may as well buy it.. THEN they can tell you what to do.
the original constitution said life, liberty and PROPERTY.. and although it was changed.. I still beleive in that part of it.
I'm sorry, I dont need any of those parts ATM