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Old 10-25-2002, 09:19 AM   #18
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Poway, Ca
Posts: 108
I guess I am missing something, or I just don't understand. I mean, I spend 30 years of my life working to pay for the biggest purchase I will ever make. I keep my house painted and the yard well groomed. So why should I be upset that when my family and friends come over for Thanksgiving and Christmas, they have to see my neighbor out there torching 5 or 6 cars and parts in his front yard. Not to mention, why should I care what chemicals are being dropped into the ground near where my children play. How dare I be upset with his American Dream. He doesn't care about my American Dream, but I should close my eyes and shut my mouth as he torchs away to make a couple of bucks! Im sure if I ever go to sell my property the potential buyers would pay a premium to live next to such a neighbor that is living the american dream!

Also, the suggestions about the fences are good, but most citys require you get a "permit" before you put up any fences. The application usually ask the reason for the fence.

Last edited by whateva; 10-25-2002 at 11:01 AM.
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