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Old 10-25-2002, 12:51 PM   #20
in WAY over my head
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Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: Douglasville GA
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well, I guess I can't say from the homeowners perspective.. I'm 21.. single.. all that stuff, not exactly mr independant. I live in a large neighborhood with a minnimum of 2.5 acres per lot. we have 6 or so acres... a 3200 sq ft house and a 3600sq ft garage slightly behind it. my neighbors are a pretty good distance away in either direction, and the only way they would even know what we're doing (besides the really loud noise a rusted bolt a ratchet and a 5' lead pipe for leverage makes) is to walk over here and be nosey.

I dont act like a community in my neighborhood simply because there is no community to me here, what I do is my business, what they do is their business.. and the line of trees that seperates our properties can't be touched by ether of us.. unless we agree to do so.

there are neighborhoods here that are tiny. .mainstream places with 1/2 an acre with a 1/4 acre house, you know.. you look out your window you see a brick wall.. that kind of place.. if thats the kind of place you live in then I suppose I could understand how your neighbors would get alittle annoyed.. but if they are any kind of car people they should understand. you have to break eggs to make mayonaise. .and I'm sure you're not out there doing this stuff at 3AM or anything.. or on christmas day when theyre trying to have a holiday gathering... are you? :P

Restoration is a blessing to these old vehicles, and a large part of our history our culture.. and hell its just fun.. a person that tells me I have to junk my car just because its not perfect, or because its a work in progress to me is threatening restoration as a hobby.. and I personally get insulted by that.
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