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Old 10-25-2002, 04:47 PM   #1
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Posts: 90
Tranny (700R4) not engaing...HELP!!!!

Well, after putting a brand new motor in the truck, the tranny doesn't work hardly at all. I bought the truck used and on the way home, the tranny acted kind of funny a little, but the truck was running so bad from the carb/engine that I didn't think much of it. I got the new motor in it and when I went to take off, it seemed to do okay, noticed a little hesitated shift, but once the truck/tranny got warm.....poof. It won't go anywhere at all. The tranny is full of fluid, so it's not that. If you shut the truck off, then re-start it, it will torque up a little, but not anything like it should. Then, it will also lose torque. It has a 700R4 in it. Can anyone help me? I also put an Edelbrock (1904) carb on it, which has all of the factory linkages. There is no linkage or cable or any thing going from the tranny to the carb...should there be? Can anyone please help me??
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