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Old 10-27-2006, 03:39 PM   #16
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Re: Metric fan studs

If you go to the suppliers of stainless bolts, South Coast Stainless for instance, they give a large input on their bolts and the items to look for. Fastenal is also big on a description of their stainless bolts and they center on the fact that the bolts have a number related to their tensile strength. The best I can get out of their representativess is that the bolts are relative to a Grade 5. There is nothing wrong with using stainless steel, as long as the install is done with a lubricating dope of some sort. I have a lot of stainless that I have used in one of the motors that I put together, but if you want a hardened bolt, ARP is the source.

We use a lot of stainless at the power plant that I work at and to get a bolt that is nuclear grade, we have to pay five times what the bolt is worth over the counter. All of our coolant systems are stainless steel.
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