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Old 10-28-2006, 07:44 AM   #10
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Re: Surfer Rack Makeover Thread

if its realy realy impossible to get it out you could try this : get a piece of threaded rod a ring that will fitt inside the bullet but on the edge of the pipe youre trying to get out and a piece of pipe that slides over the pipe you get out and buds against the bullet .
the idea is to use the treaded rod to pull the old pipe in too the other bigger pipe with help of a bolt at each end turned tighter .
from wat i see on the pics you can get to the end of the old pipe inside the bulletfrom the side .
soaking it might be enough though
i got a job again and having fun at it too

idea's for the trucks and the order of things to do are taking shape and get closer to being realized , a few more months and i be able to start building for real

i complete 2 of the trucks intoo running fashion one custom and one basicly stock the thirth will be sacrificed for parts
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