I guess alot depends on how you want to live.its hard to make mass bucks and make good cash and pay all the bills of buying a old truck and parting.One more of the reasons ive quit are the people who are on their way,or the checks in the mail.and never show up.my damn shed on the side of the house is as long as the house and 10 ft wide(and cant walk through) ive had 4-5 beds full of parts,cabs full of parts,trucks full of parts,my 62 Wagon is full of parts,anything not running full of parts,my spare bedroom has the rare sh#t,Theres no shortage in AZ of rust free parts for 50s-70's vehicles,hell alot of 60's 70's are still on road,one of my main reasons is i work 50-60 sometimes more hours a week,the last thing i want to do when i come home is wait for some guy from Phoenix to come down to look at a part,its lets say 7pm,he gets here at 8(if he shows up)then amazed with other **** stays till 10.and maybe ive made $50 its not worth 3 hours of my time and the price of the part.i consider into the price,what the truck cost,dragging it home,the time,then the labor to pull part.by then its not worth it even more hell i coulda wrenched on something i liked for all that time,and the $50 dont really help,unless your using the money to try to survive and have tons of free time,and its worse on the weekends,lets say i get up at 7 someone suppose to be here at noon they finally show up at 2 stay for 2 hours,well there goes that day,where my wife and I coulda went somewhere,or i coulda concentrated on getting my ass under a ride,but i hate to get involved in working on something when someone is on their way over,but sometimes its good when they come over to spend $100 and leave with a grand worth.thats worth it.But the city and county is cracking down on what they call hulk vehicles,missing parts dont run,here your suppose to even get a permit in AZ from to motor vehicle department to part one out,and your only allowed so many a year,so i part them as fast as i can,and get it gone.Therefore alot of good cabs and stuff get cut.and with the prices and quality of SOME of the repo parts available why buy used,some parts id rather have used but as time goes on the iller fitting parts will be getting better.always be some company trying to out do the other,then their will be price competing.I guess me fazing out the parts buis on the side is more for me,i wasnt worried about city too much,i can have a truck here and gone within a matter of hours,what my problem was is after my surgery i wasnt allowed to work on stuff,or go outside so everything sat for a long time,i use to move them around.I had all the boxes stacked and parts in them,and the cabs butted against and covered with a silver tarp.so its not a noticeable blue one.you drive down my alley my backyard is one of the better ones,but its a car thing.especially after the front page write up,that one of the signs of a meth house is lots of unfinished and half worked on cars around,because a drug addict takes them on trade and never finishes/or gets to them.Wonder if the guy down the street with 50 or so junk motorcycles and boat motors,and a hundred lawnmowers in his backyard was cited,or the person who collects scrap metal for money.But i figure the less junk i have here the better of i will be,and the more the property value is,why live on the outside like the rest,if a property value guy came out and saw sheetmetal and rearends stacked on one side of the house,and 4 truck beds,and cabs in the yard or green grass,nice gravel,cactuses,etc i know which one would sell faster and be worth more.and for our own pleasure i want to sit in my backyard on some nice grass barefoot,instead of dirt and the fear of picking up a sliver of glass from a busted windshield i pulled.and the less trucks and cars i go out find,bring home and part,and people coming over.i figure ill save money in the long run,and have way more time to go enjoy life,go places,and work on ones i want to keep.If i wanna do it still.ill go buy a truck fix it up and sell it for the bigger dollars,instead of the $10's 20's 50's and 100's here and there.but if not working its a different situation Ive survived on it before more than once,but i threw out the junk,and kept the sellable stuff,throw the knick nack crap out a buck or $2 dont help,unless you need $2 for a 40 ouncer,Sounds like you are thinking in the right direction just go do it,theres no other way.fix whatever car you have,sell whatever you can thats desirable,take that cash and head towards your desired location,then figure it out,even if you have to have a sh!t job,Id even go for McDonalds if it meant sleeping in a Hotel atleast at a retraunt you get free,or discount meals.Just live near the school you desire sure your gonna go in mass debt paying for it,but you have to pay for the education,so if it cost you $40,000 hell your first year at the job they trained you for hopefully will get you in a nice apartment,house,nice ride,you have to make sacrifices to get ahead.I know your not into religion but try it.most churches will help you out,but pay them back somehow,if it means volunteering,driving old people to church service.youd be amazed at whats out their.heck even i go to church every Sunday now,having something to believe in,gives a person hope.Clean all the junk out,sell the profitable stuff(save that money for gasoline and some cheap motel rooms)and go that direction,and while your in that cheap motel.,wash up good and go drop a crap load of applications off,and keep checking back with them,be good to get a cell phone to accept calls,get a base one with no long distance etc,if you wanna call long distance buy a phone card so all of the sudden you dont have a huge bill.Alot of places in communities are willing to help,a good place to ask is a local church-go and say-i just moved here in hopes of bettering my life,i have $300 dollars no where to stay,and no job.alot of churches can point you in the directions,alot like the one i have even offer food coupons,or hotel coupons,or can set you up at the Y,or even help you find a job.just a thought if your serious.Just make a plan and go do it!!!

cool ye but ill take a
