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Join Date: May 2000
Location: IL
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micah you said it all, everything you said is correct and totally understandable, just too many variables against being able to do something like this,
yes i have been and am interested in getting into a school,. but its not that simple, hard when you are with an employer who lays you off 50-90% of each year and when theres nothing better you can get than that with the education you have, yes i have needed to spend even more time doing research on finding a course/school to start out with and a way to go and survive, ivealways been having to spend every waking hour in the past and current trying to stay ahead of the game, doing the parts vehicle thing has really been the only option i have been able to take up upon with the skills i have or lack and type of region i am in.
like Micah explained, its hard to survive on small stuff, it is great to be able to help out members who have these trucks- and are trying to fix ones up that are actually fixable. are no decent shape vehicles this old around here, have to have them brought from drier climate, this is where it differs between Micah and I,
he is able to have some for projects and part others out that may have more problems or be less desireable than ones he is working on or driving. ive imagined a million times what it wopuld be like to just quit this crap and get rid of it all and be a normal person and just have one or two vehicles and find a new hobby, but finding a new hobby would be hard and id be bored out of my mind, vehicles ARE my life, anything i do is can somehow be linked in one form or another to vehicle,s this would be a hard thing to just give up cold turkey, but with how things have been getting on this forum and here locally i eally have no choice, i have tried several times- as alot of you well know- gotten clos,e nut not close enough to it, i cant come across anythng like what can stil be found out west and south, nothing near it. i really have no reason to keep this up. i really am wasting my time, im sure anyone would agree, especially whne you think of things i could have been doing all this time that would have goitten me ahead in life instead- of ahead and behind- fluctuating extremely often, when the plant does call us back i quit doing this vehicle stuff totally and concrentate my effort towards work over there. if only they'd straighten up, they have a new plant manager now that came over from IN earlier this year and things are looking upo, we have TArget stores chain conttract and got T-mobile contract and so forth, and the plant is now revamping shift schedules and moving employees from one Dept to another to help with operations smoothness., overtime is currently happening for employees not laid off, (all except for about 25 of us), they cant call overtime for more thna two times ina month according to the union contract agreement, witohut callng remaining laid off employees back to work.
i hope we are back soon- lik it looks like we wil be- and so i never have to do this vehicle stuff again, and can save up for some schooling and work my way up. then maybe some day when im in a good climate region i can buy up a few acres of land and have some decent vehicles for once.
and about making responses to replies or posts, well sometimes i get behind and cant find or dont see every little response thats made to a reply or thread of mine, i am a high poster and alot of things get pushed back onto pages 2 and 3 and so far bgefore i can get a chance to check on them, any person who does anytihg liek this like GMC Paul or Wes surely knows what i mean. i haved four email accounts to try and keep from overfilling one, plus the forum inbox and so forth. ive tried for too long to try and survive on this stuff due to employment problems, and city is relentless in trying to stop me and i know why and realize i shouldnt be doing this in a neighborhood even with this place being technically commercially zoned,. ill never win, ill just have to go under and be nothing, screw it. soem day il find a way to survive some other way, maybe ill have to turn to illegal methods, like sell and buy smoke or rob stations, at least what im doing and have been doing to try and honestly stay afloat has been legal as far as in that perspective,
you dont know how i have to live and what circumstances i have been and am under, and i dont know yours either and i dont try to assume them, so dont try to assume mine either,
i just got back with towing guy and a friend, the wrecker frickin ran out of gas, we spent last hour and a half or so trying to siphon some gas out of some kind of vehicle out there with no luck,, he had to walk to nearest house and call for gas. ...
nice day this is starting out as.. i stil have two complete trucks to rob parts off of and have hauled off before wednesday. and figure out how to stash the parts.. im tired of this crap, its not worth it., just let all the parts go to waste no one seems to care anyways.
i see Micah's perspecitve totally now, im sorry for anything ive said to you abotu why you were quitting parts and stuff, i understand now.,
Last edited by Fast68Chevy; 10-26-2002 at 03:39 PM.