Thread: Rear Suspension
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Old 04-30-2002, 04:01 PM   #4
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i can attest that more weight can be placed in the 1/2 ton coils truck than the 1/2 ton leaf truck, the leaf trucks squat and squat all the way til truck is on the ground, the ociuls squat until coils are compressed and eventually stop compressing and you can load waaaaayyyyyy more wieght on it,i wanna see 4,440lbs be placed in the back of a stock 1/2 ton leaf truck and have it still be driveable, i did it in a coils rear 1/2 ton(68) with the factory 500lb each(two of them) aux springs.

congrats on trucks score, and welcome to forum, why not just have two uncommon trucks?
because of the optional suspensions on both and higher packages of super custom and cheyenne)
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