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Old 10-26-2002, 10:16 PM   #38
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Poway, Ca
Posts: 108
The funny thing is, it is not even his property!! It is his Grandmas property!

He will junk all this time and when the heat dies down, this will all come around again. It always does.

The point is, the first, second and maybe the third time people felt sorry for you. When someone keeps making the same mistake 11,12,13 times, no one cares.

People have offered you advise many time before and there is always some excuse. No money, no truck, no time, my factory sucks,etc.....

There are some people who will make excuses no matter what. Suck it up and do something for yourself!!!

You keep waiting for the fricken factory to call you back? What the hell, the boat has left the dock. Time to look for a new ride. Are you going to be 60 years old and still be waiting for a call from the factory. Face reality, its dead!

People on this board has offered you all sorts of advice and sympothy in the past, but you keep with your failing ways.

Example ebfabman:

You keep posting this crap and then you get upset that you are not getting the sympothy you once did.

Most people chose just not to post anything any more. You know the saying, "if you don't have something nice....."

Anyone want to bet that we will be hearing this same crap within 6 months?

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