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Old 10-30-2006, 10:27 PM   #2
Bob Moore
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Re: 67 4X4 questions

#1. I have a 67 cab with factory air. The only dash area difference I have come across is in the drivers side dash outlet. The area that mounts to the dash bottom does not have a semi-circular cutout as do the 69-72 outlets. This is because starting in 69 the E-brake mounting screw needed clearance whereas in 67-68 there was no obstruction in that area. All the repop vents have the semi-circle cut out becuase they also fit 69+. The 67-68 driver side vents are very hard to find.

Can't help on the other questions.
67 C-20 LWB, tilt, speed alert,
vac, 454, T400
67 C-10 SWB, factory air with
more to follow
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