Thread: lowring a 60
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Old 10-31-2006, 03:43 PM   #8
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Re: lowring a 60

Originally Posted by GR82BME View Post
I was planing to drop my truck also, and eliminate the torsion bars, i was told that 73 to 87 is prety much a bolt-up, then i will have p/s p/b and the 5X5 patern for more wheel selection. Anyone have any comments on this. Thanks in advance
I personally can speak to the positive results of that decision!, looking back it was the best thing I did (my .02).

Produced a quality ride, with modern braking capabilities, low cost, both initially and in the long run:

(went to my local pick and pull and found what I needed - 86 front cross member spindle to spindle, and 72 12 bolt 3.73 posi rear diff, 86' C10 steering column, brake booster and proportioning valve and master cylinder, 700R4 tranny, and 350 SBC)

Provided easy to find (less expensive parts for rebuilding) 5.5 lug allowed unlimited wheel selection, 350/700r4/ 3.73 posi provided good gas milage, overdrive for highway speed cruising ( RPM/speed results using 275/45/20 - .67 transmission overdrive - 3.73 rear diff)

Engine Speed (RPM) Speed (MPH)
5000 177.04
4500 159.34
4000 141.63
3500 123.93
3000 106.22
2500 88.52
2000 70.82
1500 53.11
1000 35.41

All with the lines and style of 60's model classic pickup. I tend to favor the comfort and convienance of todays technology and the beauty and grace of yesteryears classic trucks.
62' 3.5/5 drop SWB Fleet, PS, PB-Dsk/Drm,350/700R4
08' Chevrolet Silverado CrewCab
05'Toyota Tacoma Prerunner SR5

Last edited by 62ChevyStep; 10-31-2006 at 03:53 PM.
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