Originally Posted by Jason915
finally got all the bugs worked out of my TBI set up and now I am much happier. My PROM was programed too lean so I had it worked over and now it runs real good. My engine is a 350 .040 over with L-98 iron heads a mild CPU friendly CompCam headers otherwise factory GM TBI components. At first I was real disapointed with my power output and thought I would have been better off with a carb set up but now I am very glad that I didn't. It has real good low end great throttle response and it moves the old K5 better than the brakes are good for. Anyone planning on doing this swap its real easy and straight forward. Hit me up if you need some pointers
What are the numbers on the cam? I am looking doing something similar with a .030 over 350 that has an Edelbrock performer cam and L-98 heads. I forget the exact numbers but I think it has around .442 lift and something around 214 duration.