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Old 10-31-2006, 08:43 PM   #6
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Re: Old gas tank for speaker mount

Originally Posted by roj2323 View Post
the only way it would work properly as a sound box is if it was rigid. there is also the anount of volume behind the speakers to contend with. in short the tank as is, is too flexable and far too large volume wise to get a good sounding system. you are much much better off making a box with the vloume you need out of MDF. it will work better and you will have room for extra stuff like the amp.
If you could find a way to fiberglass the inside of it... It would definately take out the flimsiness. Also, those gas tanks really AREN'T that big. Depending on the subs you get, it would probably be just enough volume after the sub displacement and fiberglass, especially if you stuck a few aero ports in it. My 12s call for 1.9 ft^3 each... Wouldn't even be enough room to fit them ported.
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