i hear that it can be done to the 64-69 housings, yeah, i stil have yet to make time to do measuring on those housings and do a swap to see if it works sine i have a 78 model 2.75 brake axle here i parted the carrier out of, want to make it work on a 70-72 housing, but may be too wide, so hmm, crappy thast the 73-up shafts are same length as the 70-72 shafts, they may not be long enough to allow use of 2.75 plates and shoesa nd drum on 70-72 housings, cant see why it owuld work if housings are acutally longer in 70-72 than 73, which i believe are, i need to measure that width at the axle tube flanges directly at where the paltes bolt on to the flanges,
i noticed that the 2.75 brake plates have alot more offset than the 2" ones, so hm ,tat may make up for it and it all may work fine on any housing, that would be wild.. never know..... 2.75" shoes upgrade would be great
Randy- Lincoln, IL
randy@ccaonline.com 2177353230
-71 C-10 350/CH465/3.07, assemble it, yeah right, that'll happen in this world,(not)
-84 Z28 Camaro 5.0L 700R4, 3.73, beater, paid way too much for it like an idiot,,
-84 Firebird SE 2.8L T-5, rod knocking, dammit,,
-82 Firebird 350 4bolt (TBL)/TH350, not running, dammit...
buy/sell/hoard/trade most any GM vehicle parts of any kind
-parting out: '81 Cutlass Supreme Brougham
*Paint is overrated
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[This message has been edited by Fast68Chevy (edited April 30, 2002).]