As Ken said, it's a challenge.
You may have to experiment. I'm not familar with the LED clusters that Autozone sells. But, for a good quality cluster, you may want to consider those offered by SuperbrightLEDs. com ( They offer dual intensity tail/brake light clusters since the stock 1157 bulbs are dual filament to support the tail light and the brake light function. They come with 12 to 30 LEDs per cluster. (The more LEDs the brighter the output.) A wide viewing angle cluster is probably a better setup then those with a narrow viewing angle for these trucks.
Another option to consider is the 3 Watt Luxeon dual intensity LED with a 130* viewing angle. It is actually brighter than the stock 1157s, but also costs more than the LED clusters.
To overcome the fast blinker that Ken eludes to, a couple a solutions exists. One solution is to place a high wattage load resistor in line to increase the current draw. A better solution would be to replace the stock thermal flasher with an electronic flasher. I believe Autozone carries them. (I've read where others wire a bulb behind their fender to 'fool' the thermal flasher when they install LEDs in their tail/brake housing.

Of course, the optimum setup would be to mod some LED panels into the housing and regulate the power and intensity with voltage regulators, pulse width modulators and resistors.

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If you decide to stick with the stock bulbs, you may try to 'lightly' spray bomb with some candy apple red paint instead of using boots. But, as with the boots, bulbs will lose a bit of its' lighting intensity.