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Old 11-05-2006, 01:11 PM   #7
TP from Cntl PA
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Re: 67 292 1/2 ton 4X4

Here is one I took today of the air box I made to move the air cleaner housing out away from the brake booster............Needed to adapt to the 4 brl anyhow, so I went with the big 14" cleaner housing as well. Of-course the 292 will have more hood/engine clearance problems, but gives you an idea. I still have to finish the welds and paint this yet. I didn't want to do that first and then the hood not clear it But all is well and that will be done in the next week or so. Haven't decided whether it should be GM Orange or Black.
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'72 K-20 EFI'ed 250 Inline/4spd stake body, Farm Truck
'71 C-20 Cummins Diesel Powered, In storage thanks to $5.00 diesel!
'69 3500 GMC 305V-6/4spd, Still under reconstruction..........

Inlines Rule! 6 soldiers standing is better than 8 laying down!!!!!!!!
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