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Old 11-06-2006, 03:12 PM   #1
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help with a 68 c-10

hi, i bought a beatup 68 c-10 awhile ago. it has been having some problems but untill recently it ran well enough to drive.

the truck wouldnt start the other morning, i messed around with it for awhile and it still didnt start...later i went and bought some starter fluid and tried that. it would run as long as their was the starter fluid to burn..i tried it a bunch of times and then gave up.

i took a closer look and found a big screw missing on the underside of the carburator. its a rochester M monojet...anyways the thing seems to be falling apart. if anyone could recomend a new carburator for a 250 straight six, that would be great.

my two other big, is that sometimes...most of the time while driving i have to shift into 2nd before i can shift into first...if i dont it grinds. its a 3 speed shift on the column.

the other one ...two, is that exhaust fumes are leaking into the cab from the engine compartment. and im having a hard time telling where exactly its coming from.

if anyone could help me with one or more of the problems it would be appreciated
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