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Old 11-06-2006, 05:13 PM   #5
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Re: Fuel Gauge Problem?

lol thanks, I se them mentioned alot on which I'm on all the time. My monte was my project while we drove the truck, now I'm just about finished except for things I want to do, it's all driveable and xcrap so it's not have to anymore just want to, now it's time to try and fix up the truck which is being a PITA.

thread unjacked LOL.

Also, I changed the dash guage cluster out because I had already changed sending units for temp and oil and they didn't work, plus my fuel guage jumped like crazy, so i changed it, and cleaned that terminal on the unit up, crimped the wire connect onto that terminal good and tight and it didn't jump much at all anymore. I say clean connections and make sure they are almost impossible to move, then see what happens.

GIT R DONE!!!!!!

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