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Old 11-08-2006, 12:55 PM   #21
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Re: Cadillac spindles?????????

Why couldn't you use the Caprice BJ in the truck A-arm? The Uppers are all held in with 4 bolts, just buy upper BJ for the caprice and replace the truck BJ with the Caprice? The lower should be the same diameter and replace the truck BJ with the caprice and away you go? You guys are trying to make a caprice spindle fit a truck BJ, just replace the truck BJ with the Caprice stuff?! Does that make sense? I have done BBC swaps into SBC engine bays and as long as you use all of one or the other it works, it gets F'd up when you start mixing SBC and BBC parts, then nothing fits, this seems the same way, just use the spindles and the BJ from the Caprice and then press and bolt them into the truck A-arms. Caprice is 5 on 5, S-10 crap is 5 on 4 3/4 like the camaro, nova, etc. Let us know, if I had a caprice I'd give it a shot. BTW dropped spindle do nothing to hurt or change steering geometry, its shorter springs that do that, the lowered spindles just put the wheel a little higher up in the spindle which lowers the cars, but everything else stays the same!

Last edited by 70rs/ss; 11-08-2006 at 12:56 PM.
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