probably wil end up in a towing yard or similar, i bet, how much rust through on it ? big holes, little holes, only surface pitting ? just curious.. thats a damn old truck to be still sitting around anymore in this century, damnnnnnn old. i owuld bug the iss out of the owner and show him some $$ and tel him how you wil make the truck immaculate and take real good care of it and let him cruise it once or twice maybe when its done, etc, you know., try and save it before it gets wasted., once you did score the truck then you can do whatever you want with it, its yours then, hehe you oculd run into a tree if you want, at least running it would be better than just letting it sit there like that...
good luck
[This message has been edited by Fast68Chevy (edited April 30, 2002).]