its funny this comes up today, this is the day i had my "windshield experience. i finally got arounfd to replacing the one that got broke when the hood flew up with one that i had taken out of a parts truck. for starters, a new gasket costs 50 bucks, a new windshiel, 115! so theres one tip, but if you do decide to take it out the with the gasket in one piece use lots of glass cleaner and release agent, also, dont use screw drivers, it will crack in a heart beat, id buy one of the fiber glass spatula type things they have that they use to do it, cause it will break before the glass will, also one thing to think about is that you can use old glass with new molding, but you cant use old glass with old molding or new glass for that matter, the molding gets hard and its not pliable and wont flew to let the glass in like it should, any way, i just learned all this crap today, (after they crakced my windshield, and explained why it crakced) so good luck!
Harry John Albert III
located in Phoenix, AZ
1969 lwb Chevy Frame,
1999 bmw k1200 ltc
1992 Kawasaki concours
1991 bmw k75
1973 cortez motorhome