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Old 11-17-2006, 09:20 PM   #7
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: Calif
Posts: 43
Re: 1974 C20 Brake problem

This all started when I put in a new motor and when I started the engine the brake light came on and the pedal went to the floor. I tried bleeding the brakes and at that point could not get the air out of the rear brakes, then every time I pushed the brake pedal the motor increased in RPM so I thought I had a leak in the vacuum booster, so I replaced both booster and mc. After installation I could not get the air out of the front brakes. Sometimes the light goes on when the truck is running and sometimes not or it goes off after the first push. If I open the rear brake bleed and slowly have someone push the brakes after a few I hear the click which I think is centering the poportion valve but I still have no brake pedal or if I try to bleed I immedately hear the air by the poportion valve again. This is so frustrating, the new motor sounds great but I cannot even pull my truck forward and I never even did anything to the brakes. Sometimes after I start the truck and push down the pedal the pedal stays down and after a few seconds say 15 I hear air release in the mc and the pedal comes up. I even hear the engine increase in RPM when the truck is running and I push the pedal in with the new boost and mc. So many things are happening but the main thing is I am not able to get the air out of the front brakes. what is going on?
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