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Old 11-25-2006, 07:11 PM   #1
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The front is done!

Ok, so it took 2 months, but the front is done! I have everything for the back and if it's not raining I will start (with hopes to finish) tomorrow. I have a lot of vacation time next month as well, so I'm not too worried. It it under pressure now waiting to see if I have any leaks. I will add a second compressor for sure now because the tank takes what seems like forever.

1/2" valves + 1/2" lines = carnival ride fast!

here are a couple shots.

tank location:

compressor location:



I did not trim the cups on the front and I might when I install the new upper arms next month. I didn't want it to be too low to drive in case I loose pressure or something. I think it could be an inch lower without issue, but I will know when the back is all done.
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