Originally Posted by Shane
No apology needed bro. After re-reading my first post I realize it was way more course than it should have been, and I apologize for that. It wasn't my intent to attack you personally.
ART is good stuff, I don't deny that, never have ... never will. I'm sure you guys have HUNDREDS, if not THOUSANDS, of satisfied customers, but I supposed I'm still a little pissed that I wasn't given the opportunity to become one of those satisfied customers.
I'm sure it wasn't "intentional," but it happened none the less. And like the old saying goes "You only have one chance at a first impression."
I understand, thus the reason for me saving my cash for over a year, I had heard nothing but good things about ART. Imagine my disappointment when I drive 4-5 hours to spend some time with you guys face to face & then couldn't get anyone to answer my questions on which particular setup would be best for my application. This happened at the NSRA Nationals in Loo-ee-ville, which I realize is a busy show for you guys, but it seemed because I was younger and dressed more "casually" than most of the other folks perusing the booth that I wasn't given the chance to spend my money with you guys.
I know your not here to cause controversy, nor am I. But when I see more than one post in a given day where someone is peddling a product from a company that hasn't even taken the time to join as a vendor member, then it kinda rubbed me the wrong way, in light of my past situation.
I owe you an apology for being a bit course in my last reply. I am sure you do you best to help customers, unfortunately I was never given the opportunity to become a customer and still feel slighted because of it. Had I had the chance to speak with someone with the sort of attitude that you display here, then my truck would be riding on ART components exclusively.
No offense, but ART had their chance. You seem like a cool enough cat, but at this point it's a little late to shut the barn door now that the milk cow is already gone.
Same here. I like to share my experiences as to help other members out too.
Shane, There are no hard feelings here and I don't feel like you attacked me personally. I would feel the same way and have felt the same way you do dealing with company reps before, it is sad that not everyone can always keep in mind who "really" writes their paychecks and treat them with the respect they deserve. In any case Tony and myself are here to help anyone out that has questions and we are more than happy to take the needed time to make sure that you all have the information that you want.
To answer a few of the other questions here:
Yes the 73-87 C-10 airbar is in the works, we have just begun the development on that system so it will probably be around the first of the year when we will have the product ready to ship. Believe me I am waiting paitiently for one as well for my 76.
All the sponsorship requests are handled by Tony, if you are interested your best bet is to contact him directly and he will get you all the information on what is needed to get that going.
By the way my name is Craig and if anyone needs anything don't hesitate to let me know. I am always happy to help. Thanks!