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Old 11-27-2006, 01:58 PM   #4
junk collector
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: above Baton Rouge, LA
Posts: 693
Re: auto to manual trans. swap

You are going the hard way. You will lose a little ground clearance. A direct bolt in for your truck would be a an 85 and up sm465/ np 208 combo. It will bolt directly in, same driveshafts, same crossmember and mount. Only modification you would have to make is cut out the hole in the floor and the firewall holes(dimples are there for both), change the pedals and run hydraulic lines.
Now with that said, you np205 combos is stronger, but unless you will be beating the crap out of it, not worth the trouble as it is more expensive, harder to install and harder to replace.
'87/89/76 K5 in progress
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'52 willys cj3a
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