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Old 11-28-2006, 05:09 PM   #15
Aluminum slot wheels rule...
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Re: P/S for a 67 4x4

Originally Posted by '68OrangeSunshine View Post
I tried putting a '69 P/S gearbox on my late '67 Sub, it was a nightmare. The gearbox kept breaking loose and busting grade-8 1/2" bolts, it shifted the drivers side spring perch, but worst of all it changed from a tight-turner to the Queen Mary. It took 4 lanes to make a 180* turn. If you can get the ram-style slave actuators, fine. Corvette parts is where to look, but other wise stay away from shadetree P/S conversions on a '67 4x4. BTDT. Had to pay to get it back to manual, and it was still never right.
I've never heard of that. Board member Erl has a 68 GMC 3/4ton 4x4, almost a twin to my truck, that he put PS on. He used a 69-up PS box. He said he heated the frame up where the steering box bolted on, and pounded the dimple in the frame, and the box worked fine with the closed knuckle front end. He also said he had to make a new drag link for the steering, too.
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