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Old 11-28-2006, 06:29 PM   #14
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Re: The front is done!


Your truck is looking good, A couple things to keep in mind, the thomas compressor you have is only rated for about 3 gallons, filling a 7 gallon tank will cause it to burn up quicker than normal, that is probably why it is taking so long to fill, also i noticed that your compressor didn't have a filter on it, this will also cause it to burn up especially since it is in the direct spray of the tire. you will be getting some road debris in the compressor, so i would suggest remote mounting the compressor filter which you can do by putting a 1/8 npt to a 1/4 hose fitting in the compressor and running some airline somewhere under the truck with a filter on the end. if interested i should be able to get my hands on some filters, and some rubber feet to keep it from making so much noise.
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