Re: windshield rust repair
I bet if you really start looking the frame is rusted well down the posts. You can tell by removing the weather stripping along the post. If the spot welded seam of the post is rusted its replacement time. Good windshield frames can be had in the 2 to 3 hundred dollar range but get one from outside the rust belt. I replaced the frame on my 72 and it wasn't that bad. Before you cut your frame make a wooden jig which fits inside your windshield opening. This really helps to make sure you cut the new frame to the correct dimensions. Raise the fiberclass cap about 3 to 4 inches and block it off the bed rails. Reference and mark onto the fiberglass cap the top of the existing frame with a plumb bob or make somthing to ensure the angle of the new frame is exactly the same as the old one.