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Old 11-04-2002, 08:27 AM   #8
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Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: Georgetown, KY, USA
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My next door nieghbor has a 65 Shelby Cobra Replicia that has a Ford 351 W bored&stroked to a 392 with AFR heads, roller cam, a 750 or 850 holly, and he just added a 225 shot of NO2. He's pushing 400+ hp before the NO2. Told me yesterday that now that the weather has cooled , it will spin the tires at 100mph in 5th gear(has a 6 speed) when the no2 hits! It exhausts out of headers into sidepipes and really rumbles. He's been pulled over by most of the local State Police, but he's a Dr. so they let him go for one reason or another. I can here him coming over a mile away. A couple weeks ago he got into it out on the interstate and I could hear him at my house, and I was sitting in my truck with the doors closed at the time.
Of course we live just outside of a small town and there is a lot of Farm trucks and other loud cars and trucks but the cops don't pay any attention to it.
He's like a big kid, drives this thing as a daily driver unless it is raining.

I always liked Cougars, Nice Car!
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