Thread: Dash trouble
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Old 11-29-2006, 08:27 PM   #1
The master of disaster
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Posts: 249
Dash trouble

I have a 1980 chevy ck/silverado that I am currently getting ready for the long haul that I am going on how ever i cannot get the stubborn dash to come out I have removed all gauges all wires harnesses and 99% of the heating and ac crapp. It has a stripp of metal that runs under the front windshield seal i know its not welded in byrt that is all i know. What my question is is how in the devil do i get the thing outta there????????

Any help would be greatly appreciated and any tips on other things to do before i leave i have a new dirt 350 ready to goin and have already replaced bushings in front suspension. I also have all new gauges dash heat and ac stuff waiting to go in.
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