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Old 11-30-2006, 05:25 PM   #13
67 chevy SWB Fleetside
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: 61115
Posts: 80
Re: Painless or painful???


I am here in Rockford and my 67 has a Painless 18 circuit harness in it if you want to check it out. Both harnesses mentioned above are Painless. They have a standard replacement and a universal 18 circuit (as well as a 12 circuit I think).

I bought the truck with the harness laying in it and then I wired it (so far). I would say it was very easy. The wires are all labeled and printed right on the wire.

The advanatage of the 18 Circuit is that you have extra circuit compared to stock for thinks like power windows, electric fuel pumps, etc.
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