Thread: suicide doors
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Old 12-01-2006, 11:01 AM   #4
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Re: suicide doors

The two door ones open up a full 90* or almost as were the 4 doors only open like 60*. Were did you get your hinges? I need a set but do not feel like hitting all the yards looking for a slop free set. Does any one know if you can still buy these new from anyone?

I was thinking about it last night or was it this morning (2am ) and the best way to start the B post would be to make a card board templete that fit inside the post tight to the back side where the hinge will bolt to. Then transfer this to a piece of 3/16" or 1/4" plate and weld it to the post. You will be able to tap it for your bolts and then brace off to it for more strength. You can run a plate at floor heigth that ties into the floor and teh bottom of the new post plate then do the same thing up at rear window heigth. This would be a great start for reinforcing this area. Find me a set of hinges and I will send you pics of what else to do Before I forget make sure all your rust work is done and your doors and fender fit perfect before starting this mod or it will be a pain in the arss later!

The pic is my best PAINT work I can do but it shows yellow as the main plate you should add then the Blue is the sopt welds to hold it into place and teh Pink shows were to do your main suporting then add more were you can. Your 16 ga idea for closing off the pillar would work well as added suport but keep in mind what I would do is tap the plate for your hinge bolts then once the door is hung and adjusted were you want it I would back it up with nuts on the back side. Good luck.

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