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Old 12-01-2006, 03:18 PM   #25
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Re: Wear your seatbelt

I have been in several car accidents, none of which was I wearing a seatbelt, bent a lot of steering wheels (OH $HIT Factor and weighing in at 250) walked away from everyone with not too much in the injury department. I get married and three kids later, now I wear it all the time, a couple weeks ago I am driving alone minding my business, next thing I know, I am upside down hanging from a seatbelt. (I rememer a flash of fur and think I may have swearved) the cop measured my vehicle leaving the ground (in the dirt shoulder) and clearing 50-60 feet from an embankment, then I hit and rolled. I unhooked my belt and crawled out, a couple of cuts from the glass. A year ago last summer (6/2/05) my brother died from injuries he sustained two weeks earlier in an accident, he was wearing a seatbelt. high speed headon with a culvert in Texas, he may still be alive if the hospital had caught the tear in his intestine, but they missed it for 24 hours then fixed it and he died from an infection. He had on a seatbelt, if he hadn't he would have gone through the dash and windshield and we would have buried him in pieces and I wouldn't have been able to spend two weeks with my brother talking and mending fences. I do not care what any cops or doctors tell you, if someone dies in a seatbelt, they would be dead without it, period! If you don't wear one, its your own business, but think of all the people that love you are they worth it? I'd rather wear it and die, than to be thrown out, dismembered and live.
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