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Old 12-03-2006, 01:35 PM   #1
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Posts: 62
Experienced advice please.Those who done it.

I was told by someone on the board that before i z'd the front frame rails i should run the 2by4 box tubing first before the z.. Why would that be???? Is there a reason for it. I forgot if he infact told me? Maybe to make sure that i z'd it eneough after looking at how the truck is sitting with just the frame rails cut and airred out?? Could that be why?

Also he had said it doesnt make any sense to weld in the box tubing to the bottom of the frame rails and chop the top. Then you have to relocate your cab mounts.

Why not put the box tubing into the upper part of the frame rails and chop the bottoms off. No relocating of the cab mounts. Or by doing it this way will this create problems.

Can anyone shed the light upon these 2 questions as to what they did. Mines an 87 bagged gmc.
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