Originally Posted by texan1186
I spent all day saturday workin on the truck. i got the c notches welded in and the leaf springs flipped, tied up the loose ends on the electic fans, and cleaned out the interior. Next week ill start on the fuel injection but for now i get to polish those supid wheels 
Sweet truck! Is it bagged?
Originally Posted by pcmcobra
did not do a whole lot.
Fired up the snapper and bagged(mowed) the front yard. Much easier than a rake 
Contemplated future options for my truck. I am set on buying my wheels/tires first. Just can't decide on what kind of motor...
Buy a zz4 crate motor, or something similar.
jump into an lq9 6.0 liter and prepare for some LONG weekends and nights...
decisions, decisions.
Which ever on is great but a friend of mine jus got done with his 5.3 swap into an 87 chevy and that thing hauls. Ran a mid 13 second pass the night of this vid. I can just imagine a warmed over 6.0
Too bad the camera kept going out of focus.