Mike, I should be able to move the lock solenoid down a few inches. I will then have to fabricate an connecting arm from the solenoid to the latch mechanism, as the solenoid hooked directly to it in the stock location. I talked with OPP about this, and they realized it was missing from their instructions...and will be adding it to them soon. I also talked with them about some other stuff today, and there will be a couple more refinements to the kit based on my feedback and some others. Ben, the guy I am dealing with at OPP, is a pretty cool guy and has been very helpful and able to answer my questions. He also is sending me a replacement gasket for free as I messed mine up over-engineering/over-thinking things as I often do.
I havent talked with you in a while, if you want to talk more about this, or anything, just give me a ring when you get a chance.