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Old 11-05-2002, 05:24 PM   #14
Ain't we cute?
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Join Date: May 2002
Location: Friendswood, TX
Posts: 700
I agree with pal. A TRUE resto is 100% factory correct. There are degrees of restoration and they blend fairly seamlessly into restification, rodstoration, etc. I myself prefer a stock-ish look but with as many modern, practical upgrades as I can afford. I love rides that look stock except for tires/rims but have EFI, OD, A/C, exhaust, leather interior, and other clean, subtle mods. Kind of new stuff and capability with older style. I also tend to like solid colors and simple, clean looks. Regardless, I can appreciate lots of different visions and the work that goes into making them reality.
69 C10 2WD LWB Fleet 350/350 power front disc conversion (6 lug disc kit from gmcpauls) and new engine, PS, A/C, fresh fluids, SHE DRIVES!
FOR SALE $3900
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