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Old 12-16-2006, 05:33 AM   #24
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Re: 6 MPG?!?! Help Me!!

Well, I went to a friends house and his dad knows a bit of cars. We/he tried to tune the carb and that thing is GONE. The screws weren't doing a thing, NOTHING. The truck wouldn't even stumble much less die off. I think its safe to say I need a new carb The timing was also way off, he moved it down a bit and the thing was idling very weird. Sounded too low. Then I noticed he had put it to I believe 4 degrees, because thats what the sticker said. The problem is the sticker is for a 305 Does anybody know what the timing should be at for a 350?

By the way I accompanied my friend to the track and decided to run the truck while I was there. 18.8

I was running 89 octane at the track, and on the way back I switched back to 87 octane and the thing feels a lot stronger. I think maybe a 18.5.

Is it possible that lower octane can have that effect? Or am I trying to make myself feel better?
1978 stepside C10 build:
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