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Old 12-19-2006, 01:16 AM   #2
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Re: Cam installation questions (When/Why to degree a cam)?????

Originally Posted by Psycho71 View Post
My Questions?: Can a cam be degree'd to "move" it's effective power band up or down the RPM range? Does this also effect the min. stall speed required? If I'm thinking wrong, can someone please explain this to me? What is the purpose of degree'ing a cam? Benefits? Drawbacks? If I'm right, get ready for more questions. Either way, there will probably be a few more.
Yes, a cam can be advanced/retarded to move the powerband. It's typically done via the timing sprockets and chain - either a simple advance via a different keyway in the crank sprocket or "infinitely" adjustable via adjustments (bolts or offset bushings) in the cam sprocket.

The purpose of "degreeing" a cam is to ensure the cam events are happening when you want them to. It's worth doing even if you're not changing the cam as a check on your assembly work.
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