Thread: Trailing Arms
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Old 12-19-2006, 08:36 PM   #4
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Re: Trailing Arms

Originally Posted by Jim_PA View Post
I would think the difference is these are only 150 per set (so he claims) Other companies sell them for 500+ per set.
So he claims? Thats the price on their web site, several of the hot rod mags have done articles on the place and I have personally been there in Mooresville North Carolina. They buy all the surplus from the NASCAR and BUSCH teams, inventory it and sell it along with new parts. Check out the web site listed above. Yes others sell the trailing arms for more than double the price, but what if you need a set and are looking at repo price or CPP price, which would make more sense? To me a part that will suite a NEXTEL CUP CAR or a repo, or aftermarket piece for more than double the price????? Makes sense to about anybody else?On another note what about the guy that spent Lord nows how many hours and about 60 or 70 bucks to build his own set of box tubing arms? But I guess that offsets the 150.00 price???????????????????????????????? P.S., Spicer driveshafts are only 75.00 up to about 55" with yokes 4" to 3" diameter, but I guess thats not a deal either because other people sell them for 250-350 dollars....or so they say.Amen bother

Last edited by 68CHEBY; 12-19-2006 at 08:46 PM.
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