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Old 12-20-2006, 11:16 AM   #18
87 STEPPER's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Melbourne, Fla.
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Talking Re: Antique vs Classic - in Texas

It's funny i just stumbled on this thread by accident.

I just renewed my plates this mounth and when i was there i asked about Classic plates for my '87 since she's turnin' 20 this/next year and the guy told me that the state of Fla. did away with them they only have the Antique plates available now and the vehicle has to be 30 years or older to qualify for them.

Anyway he never mentioned anything about restricted driving habits but it sounds like you guys in Texas live in a commi state why does the state have any power to tell you where and when you can drive your vehicle and what the hell would it matter if it were hotroded or stock it's still a Classic or Antique either way right!?

Im thinking how in the hell do they know if it were yesterday or a month ago that you drove it? They dont!

So why would they even have a right to pull you over unless you violated some road rule.

And how is a cop gonna follow you if your going to a show or event that's in another county or state or if your goin' on the HotRod Power Tour that would be a good one to hear but boss i figured?

This is America you pay Tons of road Taxes every time you pay for fuel and Tags & Registration you are paying for the right to drive any vehicle you want to drive on them so drive the wheels off your truck's and just tell Texas it's :Liz:


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