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Old 12-20-2006, 03:15 PM   #13
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Re: Overdrive or Gears

Originally Posted by edman87 View Post
Are you wanting for gas mileage or engine longevity?
If only for mileage reasons, I say deal with the expensive fillups. You aren't going to make it much better.
Edman 87 has a point.
If you assume 10000 miles/year driven, and gas stays at a constant $2.50 (I know, constant gas prices ha ha ha). I'd assume you may get an average of 12 MPG with your current setup. I would also guess that the overdrive will only gain you a lot of mileage if you drive at highway speeds most of the time, but lets assume it gives you 2 MPG. At that mileage (14 MPG), gas price, and miles/year, you only save $300/year.
I'm not sure how much a 4L80 or gear vendors overdrive is, but if it is $2000 then it will take a little under seven years to even break even and start saving money.
And if you are curious, yes I am bored at work
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