Thread: Trailing Arms
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Old 12-21-2006, 06:07 PM   #42
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Re: Trailing Arms

Originally Posted by slt0066 View Post
hey he is right !!! I have a set on my truck 72 swb they are the same length I'll measure mine tommorrow to be sure but I think they are 51.5 inches from center of bushing to centerline of the reaer end housing.
I work for a nextel cup team in concord nc. and have been working for nascar teams for almost 10 years now. the only thing you have to watch out for is the muscle motorsports place sells used parts. which is fine as long as you can see what your buying.. the thing with these truck arms is the left side normally has a big adjustable bracket welded to it for the panhart bar mount to. (no big deal I just cut mine off ). and they also have mounts for the shocks to bolt to. and some times one is shorter than the other . there are several things teams do to they truck arms to help with performance I suggest if you are going to buy a set go in person and inspect them. bring a tape measure and original one if you can . lay them side by side and compare i said they do work if you get te right ones.
you can also get two right side truck arms so you wont have to cut the mount off.. sorry for the long post just wanted to shed some light on this topic ... hope I helped...
Thank you, that was the type of post I was looking for. So now I know for sure that they will work. thanks again.
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