Originally Posted by T J Randall
Kevin, I just used my wifes' paypal to get the plans for the cab and bed lift headed my way.. keep up the good work there, you're makin' things a lot easier for a bunch of us out here. Merry Christmas!
And I just sent them off and we all know your real name is "Kalena"

Thank you and that is why I build this stuff in the first place. It is not to make money off them but it is to make my life alot easier and my prices cheaper for my customers who's rigs I work on. To tell you the truth on the tip and flips I just sold enough last week to cover my time for putting the plans together but I would rather make a $1 off each one and get more out their than $10 per set and not have as many guys get advantage of my sleepless nights

Merry Christmas as well..
LFD Inc.